Build and strengthen your business image with direct mail

What is direct mail?

Direct Mail is one of the most significant, influential, and cost-effective forms of marketing communications. It gives you the chance to know your customers as individuals, therefore, develop a deeper understanding of their needs and interests. This fact allows you to employ very personal, targeted and influential methods of selling.

What goes into a mailer?

Many direct mail pieces are available in the market that you can choose. But, there are four most commonly used types of direct mail pieces. Let’s take a look:

Plastic Postcard Mailer

The conventional envelope package: this piece is the most common kind of direct mail and has a higher response rate and better ROI (return on investment) than most others. Frequently the package contains a letter and envelope, a brochure and a business card. The multiple inner pieces provide more space for complex messages and are ideal for information sharing. Try it to announce a new product campaign or an introduction to your company’s capabilities. And, you can use the response card to offer a product demo or free sample.

Self-mailer: Basically, it is a brochure that folds into itself and stays shut with tape or a tab. Businesses who want to promote an event or convey a straightforward message tend to use this piece. A self-mailer provides enough space to give detail about your business but not overwhelm the audience. And since it can be easily passed from person to person, a number of people who might see your message increases.

Postcards: They are an excellent option for relaying brief and clear messages such as announcements. Target large audiences to communicate a change in location, an open house, promoting a new product or service, and even as a “thank you” for a recent purchase. Although they are the form of direct mail most likely to be read, they do have a lower response rate than larger, more involved pieces. For this reason, you have to make sure your message is creative, compelling yet brief.

Catalogs: They are an excellent choice for showcasing a broad range of products and services. Since producing them can be expensive, it is best to target them towards a highly-targeted audience or current customers. In spite of that, they offer exceptional cross-selling opportunities, which usually makes them well worth the cost if correctly targeted. It is important to know that direct mail catalogs increase online searches and website traffic.

Deliver printed promotional pieces to your target audience in an affordable way

Direct-mail marketing services can be a major asset to businesses seeking affordable ways to reach a large number of their target audience base and earn a hefty return on investment. Many printing services companies in Denver offer custom direct mailers such as postcards, brochures, booklets, catalogs, newsletters and more.