Custom Posters come in many different sizes. Some of them are only the size of a sheet of paper. Others can fill part of a wall. You will even find posters for your door that fill all of it up. There are plenty of different types of posters as well that you may want to buy. Some of them are for advertising concerts and upcoming shows. Others are to advertise new businesses and even for political advertisements.
It isn’t uncommon for people to display custom posters of their idols including rock bands and actors. For sports enthusiasts there are team posters, player posters, and even those of the cheerleaders for the team. Some of them are even in wonderful frames in order to better preserve them. Most of us are happy to put them up with some scotch tape though. Of course this makes it difficult to take them back down without tearing them.
When Hanging a Custom Poster, what to use?
You may want to use thumbtacks instead of tape. While they make small holes in the poster you can easily take them down and rearrange them. If you place the thumbtacks back through the same small holes you wont have any real destruction to the poster. Early posters were all in black and white. Some people have collected them from early circus shows and theatrical performances.
A custom poster can really increase in value if it is signed by the person or group in it. You will find the experience very memorable if you get it signed in person. However, this isn’t always possible so you may have to settle for buying one with the signature already on it. If you are paying more for a poster with a signature on it, make sure you verify it is original. There are plenty of scam artists out there that buy a cheap poster, sign it themselves, and then make a huge profit off it.
You can readily find posters of just about anything you could possibly want. You can even have your regular sized photographs turned into full sized posters. These make really fun gifts that people will love to hang up around the house. The cost of a poster really depends on what you get and how rare it is. Those that are readily replicated in mass production aren’t going to be worth more than the $4 you pay for them.
If you are needing custom printing contact CO Print Press 720-734-9994